1. General Provisions
The kind and duration of imposed sanction for a particular violation shall be defined by Innova solely. The decision is made by Innova taking into consideration certain circumstances of the committed violation (submission of claims by other Users in respect of this violation, repeated commission, degree of danger etc.).
All the listed violations committed in respect of Innova’s representatives (such as support team specialists, other employees) are punished with character/game account blocking (from 7 days to permanent blocking).
In-game items, including game currency, involved in a violation can be seized and deals with such items can be recalled.
Since a violation is discovered Innova is entitled to carry out rollback of the Game actions that is to restore the game situation existed before the violation.
In cases of suspicions of violations and investigation of violations Innova is entitled to apply technical blocking of involved character / game accounts and/or seizure of in-game items, including game currency, involved into the supposed violation. The period of such blocking and seizure can be up to 5 days.
Innova is not obliged to provide any proof regarding the relevance of application of any sanctions in case Users breach the User Agreement or any separate Annexes to the User Agreement including the Game Rules.
2. List of Violations
1. Use of swear words and insults
Violation | Penalty |
1.1 Use of swear words in the Game process | From 5 hours block to 24 hours character/game account blocking |
1.2. Public or private insult using swear words, insults related to the User’s real life, insult of his/her family and relatives, provocative messages in game chats, character names, titles, clan & alliance names, party matching room names and private store descriptions | From 5 hours chat/character blocking to permanent character/game account blocking |
1.3. Use of swear words and/or insults in hero chat and in messages sent by mail; in tickets submitted to the Support Team at support.eu.4game.com or when addressing the Administration through other means stated in the User Agreement | From 10 hours chat ban to 7 days character/game account blocking |
1.4. Use of swear words in character name/clan & alliance name/pet name/title/party matching room name/private store messages | Change of character name/clan name/pet name/title. From temporary to permanent chat blocking |
2. Pretending to be related to Administration (Innova)
Violation | Penalty |
2.1. Use of words related to Administration (Innova) in character name / title / guild name | From warning to permanent character/ game account blocking, seizure of all received items and Change of character name / guild name / title |
2.2. Pretending to be the Administration (Innova)’s representative | Character/ game account blocking from 24 hours to permanent blocking, seizure of all received items |
2.3. Distribution of false information and rumours related to the Game, to Administration (Innova) and its Representatives, to other Users | From warning to permanent character/ game account blocking |
2.4 Impersonating another player and/or a representative of a clan/alliance by using a similar clan/alliance emblem and/or clan/alliance name and/or nickname that incorporates words, letters, or combinations thereof, creating a risk of misleading other players with the aim of obtaining in-game valuables from them | From 7 days to permanent character/game account blocking, kick from the Game, all the deals become invalid |
3. Threats
Violation | Penalty |
3.1. Threats of harm and physical violence | Character/game account blocking from 24 hours to 10 days |
3.2. Obstruction of the game process by extorting in-game values | Character/game account blocking from 24 hours to 7 days |
4. Propaganda
Violation | Penalty |
4.1. Morality insult, propaganda of hatred and/or of race, ethnic, sex, religious, social discrimination, disrespectful attitude towards culture, race, nation, language, politics and political order, ideology | From temporary to permanent chat/character/game account blocking |
5. Promotion
Violation | Penalty |
5.1. Distribution of information unrelated to the project in any form, including links to internet pages. | Character/game account blocking from 24 hours to permanent blocking |
5.2.Distribution of advertising information (information about products, goods and services) , promotion of porn sites and resources containing any information related to prohibited goods and other hazardous substances, information defaming morality as well as commitment of any actions forbidden under the applicable legislation | Character/game account blocking from 24 hours to permanent blocking |
5.3. Promotion of information concerning third-party software for Lineage II and other on-line games (for example cheating programs, bots), malicious software | Character/game account blocking from 7 day to permanent blocking |
5.4. Spreading of information about in-game errors that allows to get a game advantage / game values, including, but not limited to: geodata errors, Game errors in quest rewards (game tasks) and /or incorrect operation of the quest. | Character/game account blocking from 24 hours to permanent blocking |
6. Use of game errors (bugs)
Violation | Penalty |
6.1. Use of game errors without getting any advantages or in-game items | From warning to 7 days character/game account blocking |
6.2. Use of game errors to take in-game advantage, except getting in-game Items | From warning to permanent character/game account blocking |
6.3. Use of game errors to get in-game items or in-game currency (errors in quest rewarding system, in quests malfunction or errors related to selling, buying and disposal of items) | From 14 days to permanent character/game account blocking and seizure of received items |
6.4. Use of geodata errors | From warning to permanent character/game account blocking |
6.5. Receipt of in-game items received as a result of use of game errors by another the User. Gaining benefit from use of game errors by another the User | From warning to permanent character/game account blocking, seizure of all received items |
7. Use of 3rd party software (cheating)
Violation | Penalty |
7.1. Getting advantages in the game (in-game items, experience, skill points) as a result of third-party software use by the User himself/herself, by another User | Warning, Character/game account blocking from 7 days to permanent blocking, seizure of all received items (advantages) |
7.2. Use of third-party software disrupting functioning of technical protection facility for copyright of the Game (for example substituting network packets) | From 3 days to permanent character/game account blocking, kick from the Game |
7.3. Use of software and devices emulating the User control over characters in the game, game client modification, unauthorized access to server, getting access to the game code | Blocking of all characters/game account of the User at the server from 7 days to permanent blocking, kick from the Game |
7.4. Commitment of deliberate actions that result in server failure | Permanent character/game account blocking |
8. Other User's account theft
Violation | Penalty |
8.1. Unauthorized access to another User's Account | From warning to permanent blocking of the character/account that was accessed and/or character/account that was involved into violation (if any), recall of the last exchange deals and item displacement from one character/account to another |
8.2. Sharing your Account information with other Users | From warning to permanent character/game account blocking, recall of the last exchange deals and item displacement from one character/account to another |
9. Selling and buying of in-game items
Violation | Penalty |
9.1. Distribution of information about selling/buying of items, in-game currency (adena), or other benefits, character powerleveling for non-ingame funds, attempts of selling or buying of characters (regardless the result of such attempts) | Permanent character/game account blocking |
9.2. Selling or buying of in-game items for not in-game funds or funds not provided for the current game project, does not include fraud | From warning to permanent character/game account blocking, seizure of sold or bought items (disregarding the fact that it could have been modified after the actual buying). In case the act of adena sale is confirmed, all adena is to be seized from the violator. In case of recurring violations penalty period is to be extended up to 30 days including seizure of all adena. 20 lvl characters and lower are also to be blocked permanently and all their in-game items are to be seized |
9.3. Giving of false information to the Administration (Innova) in order to gain benefit | From warning to permanent character/game account blocking |
9.4. Buying/Getting of in-game items acquired by the 3rd parties through payment fraud and/or possession of such in-game currency and/or items that have been acquired through payment fraud | Seizure of all adena and/or items that have been acquired through payment fraud. In case of recurring violation, the character in question may be blocked for up to 30 days |
10. Non-game behavior
Violation | Penalty |
Use of numbers and repeating letters more than twice in character name to gain a competitive advantage | Change of character name, warning, character/game account blocking from 24 hours to permanent |