I. General Provisions
- All sanctions listed below and applied to User for certain violation are determined at the discretion of Innova within the limits specified in section «Sanction» for corresponding violation depending on degree of violation and collection of all facts relating to this violation (complaints from other Users in respect of this violation, degree of danger, repeated commission, etc.). Innova at its own discretion has the right to lighten (mitigate) the sanction or decrease the term of imposed blocking in respect of the Game character/User account. In case of repeat violation of the Game Rules Innova has the right to apply more severe sanction or increase the term of imposed blocking.
- All listed violations committed in respect of Innova’s representatives may be punished in a form of permanent blocking of game character/account.
- User is notified and agrees while appealing to support team on the subject of loss of Game valuables via support tools at the address support.eu.4game.com, as well as using the other methods to appeal to Innova provided by the User and License agreement, Innova has the right to apply temporary technical blocking of User(s) Game character/account(s) related with lost Game valuables within the term of 14 days in order to investigate the circumstances of the loss of Game valuables. Temporary technical blocking of the Game character/ account may also be applied, when investigating other committed violations on Game Rules. Innova does not guarantee positive result of investigation. User is notified and agrees that Game valuables (inGame items) with limited duration are not restored upon the expiry of term of technical blocking and their duration is not extended for the period of technical blocking at its expiry.
- In case any Game Rules provision is violated cumulatively during the whole period od Game access more than 5 times, the account may be blocked permanently.
- In case the Game Rules provide different for various types of sanctions for the same violation, the type of sanctions applicable to the User is determined by Innova’s representatives, depending on the nature of the violation and the circumstances of its occurrence.
- Mass violations of the Game Rules by members of one guild may entail the application of sanctions against all the Users who have violated such Rules and are members of this guild. Sanctions can also be applied in the form of dissolution or removal of the guild.
- In-game items, including Game currency, involved in a violation can be seized and deals with such items can be recalled.
- Since a violation is discovered Innova is entitled to carry out rollback of the Game actions that is to restore the Game situation existed before the violation.
- Innova is not obliged to provide any proof regarding the relevance of application of any sanctions in case User’ breach of the User and License Agreement or any separate Annexes to the User and License Agreement including the Game Rules.
II. List of Violations and sanctions for such violations
1. Use of swear words and insults * and / or provocative messages, threats
Violation | Penalty |
1.1 Use of swear words in the Game process, and/or insult and/or provocative messages in Game chats, nicknames, and/or guild name. | From warning to permanent character/Game account blocking. |
1.2 Public or private insult using swear words (ascii and symbols too), insults related to the User’s real life, insult of his/her family and relatives, provocative messages in Game chats, character names, titles, guild names, group names and store names. | Change of character name/guild name and other titles what contains violations. |
1.3 Use of swear words and/or insults in messages sent by in-game mail; in tickets submitted to the Support Team at support.eu.4game.com or when addressing Innova through other means stated in the User and License Agreement. | From 24 hours block to 7 days character/Game account blocking. |
1.4 Insult of morality, propaganda and / or expression of rejection or hatred, as well as propaganda of discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social grounds, disrespect for culture, race, nation, language, politics and political system, ideology, social movement, etc. | From 24 hours block to 7 days character/Game account blocking. |
1.5 Threats of violence and/or bodily harm including threats to the User or Innova’s representatives. | From 24 hours to permanent character/Game account blocking. |
*Sanctions for covert swear words (i.e. use of strong language, which writing is distorted with one or several letters, symbols or digits) are applied at the discretion of Innova.
• Swear words and/or insults in guild chat are controlled by guild authorities.
• Sanctions are not applied for use of swear words and/or insults in Personal messages (system of Users ignoring is implemented in the Game).
• Sanctions are not applied for use of phrases related with names of animals. (Such as: sheep, turkey-cock, chicken, etc.)
• Appeals on the subject of insults «to emptiness» (non-personified) are considered only at provision of screenshot of full correspondence.
• Sanctions for provocation of using of swear words and/or insults are applied at the discretion of Innova. When applied, such sanction for provocation is identical to that for swears words and/or insult.
2. Distribution of information that does not correspond to reality, including pretendance to be related with Innova
Violation | Penalty |
2.1 Use in the Game character name (nickname) terminology that implies relation with Innova, including, but not limited to, in order to obtain a Game advantage and / or Game valuables. | Character rename, possible permanent blocking character/ Game account blocking, seizure of all received items or advantages. |
2.2 Use of words related to Innova in guild name which implies connection of guild with Innova. | Guild rename, possible permanent blocking character/ Game account blocking, seizure of all received items or advantages. |
2.3 Pretending to be Innova’s representative or the party related to Innova | Character rename, possible permanent blocking character/ Game account blocking, seizure of all received items or advantages. From 24 hours to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
3. Non-game behavior
Violation | Penalty |
3.1 Obstruction of Innova’s work process (false information, spam, similar tickets in support, etc). | From warning to permanent Game account blocking. |
3.2 Distribution of false information and rumours related to the Game, to Innova, Rightholders and partners its Representatives. | From 24 hours to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
3.3 Obstruction of other Game Users during Game process (Except for PVP-locations and MVP Bosses locations). | From 3 days to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
3.4 Blackmailing in order to gain in-game benefits and/or in-game goods, and also real life goods. | From 3 days to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
3.5 Repeated, intentional mob-train(more than 8 mobs) except MVP Bosses locations. | From warning to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
3.6 Repeated, intentional Kill-steal except MVP Bosses locations. | From warning to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
3.7 Skills abuse in public spaces and towns (except PVP-locations). | From warning to 3 days character/ Game account blocking. |
3.8 Repeated messages with a lot of information in Game chat, that disturbing another Users or spam with similar messages. | From warning to 3 days character/ Game account blocking. |
4. Cheating on other Users/ Innova
Violation | Penalty |
4.1 Trading fraud (pricing switch, changing items during exchange etc). | From 5 days to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
4.2 Pretending to be the another User, or another guild member and/or pretending one guild to another. | From 5 days to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
4.3 Obtaining in-game items or Zeny from hacked account. | From 5 days to permanent character/ Game account blocking and seizure of all received items. |
4.4 Obtaining Game advantage and / or Game valuables, including gaining the Game experience and / or Game points due to the use of third-party software (including, but not limited to, the bot) and / or due to the use of Game bugs (bugs), including due to third-party software and / or due to the use of errors (bugs) of the Game by another User. | From 30 days to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
4.5 Transfer in any way the registration data to another User and / or other third parties, including the sale, purchase, exchange of registration data, obtaining and / or using the registration information of another User required to access the Game, including using an account with more than one a person, and / or provision of access to the account to third parties, including the provision of a login / password. | From 5 days to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
5. Selling and buying of Game valuables using non-game currencies, buying/selling of account/Game character
Violation | Penalty |
5.1 Distribution of information about selling/buying of Game valuables and/or character and/or account, information about the development of the character for the third parties. | Blocking of character / account up to a permanent. |
5.2 Receiving/giving in-game items and in-game currency obtained by non-game way or with the Game Rules violation. | From 10 days to permanent character/Game account blocking and seizure of all sold purchased Game valuables (without taking into account that it / they could be modified after the deal). In the event of detection of the Game currency purchase from the User who has violated the Game Rules, Zeny is withdrawn completely. In case of repeated violations, blocking of the character / account will be possible for a period of 30 days to permanent with a complete withdrawal of Zeny. |
5.3 Giving of false information to Innova with a purpose of gaining benefit | From 24 hours to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
6. Distribution of information including advertising information
Violation | Penalty |
6.1. Distribution of irrelevant Game information, inclusively in the form of web links to Internet pages. | From 24 hours to permanent character/ game account blocking. |
6.2 Distribution of information in any form, including in the form of links to Internet pages, on porn sites, resources, containing any information about drugs, resources, discrediting morality, propagating hatred and / or discrimination of people according to racial, ethnic, sexual, religious social characteristics, disrespect for culture, race, nation, language, politics and political order, ideology, social movement, as well as disseminating information of a similar nature, as well as commitment of the similar actions prohibited by the applicable laws. | From 24 hours to permanent character/ Game account blocking. |
6.3 Distribution of information about offering to buy or sell or exchange the third-party software malicious software (for example cheating programs, bots), and promoting unofficial servers and RMT. | From 24 hours to permanent character/ game account blocking. |
7. Use of Game errors (bugs)
Violation | Penalty |
7.1 Receipt of Game advantage/Game valuables (inGame items) while using Game errors (including but not limited to errors in quest rewarding system, quests malfunction and other errors). | From warning to character/ Game account blocking for 24 hours or permanent, withdrawal (seizure) of Game valuables and / or Game advantages derived from such use. |
7.2 Use of Game errors without obtaining Game advantages/valuables. | From warning to character/Game account blocking from 7 days. |
7.3 Getting Game valuables / Game advantage due to the usage of Game errors by another User. | From 24 hours warning to permanent character/Game account blocking, seizure of all received items, withdrawal (seizure) of Game valuables and / or Game advantages derived from such use. |
8. Use of third-party software, modification of Game-client, cheating etc.
Violation | Penalty |
8.1 Use and/or threat and/or attempt to use third-party software and/or devices, which emulate gamer presence in the Game or interfere in normal functioning of the Game software. | Character/game account blocking from 7 days to permanent and withdrawal (seizure) of Game valuables and / or Game advantages derived from such use. |
8.2 Modification of the Game Client, that is, actions aimed at opening the technology, decompiling, parsing or some other way of extracting the Client’s source code; actions to make any changes to the source code, change the functionality of the Game Client, as well as to gain access to the server software of the Game and / or replace the server packages, as well as the above actions to gain access and interfere with the work of Innova’s technical protection tools (including, but not limited to, the use of such modifications of the Game Client, such as patches that change the color of the chat, the appearance of the character, the scrolling range, and the like). | Character/game account blocking from 7 days to permanent and withdrawal (seizure) of Game valuables and / or Game advantages derived from such use. |
8.3 Obtaining Game benefits and / or game values due to the use of third-party software, including due to the use of third-party software by another User. | 24 hours blocking of character/game to permanent and withdrawal (seizure) of Game valuables and / or Game advantages derived from such use. |
8.4 Use or threat of use of third-party software, which may result in game advantage/crack/data capture/removal of limitations set by means of technical protection used by Innova, as well as capture of data transferred from game server including due to violation of the User and License Agreement and /or other Legal Documents by other Users. | Blocking of all User characters on server/ blocking of account from 7 days to permanent. |
8.5 Purchase, including selling/buying/exchange and others way to obtain in-game advantages and in-game money, was obtained by violation of User and License Agreement and/or Legal documents by other Users. | Revoking in-game deal and refund in-game items and money to merchant. Possible permanent character/game account blocking. |
8.6 Commitment of deliberate actions that result in 4game service failure. | Permanent blocking character/game account. |
III. Precedents
* This list is incomplete and will be updated by the Licensor as certain errors (shortcomings) of the Game are identified that interfere with the normal functioning and conduct of the Game process. The absence of prohibited Game errors in this section does not mean that the Licensor cannot apply sanctions for the use of Game errors that are not specified in this section.
Violation | Penalty |
Using the ability ‘Warp Portal’ during the fight for an MVP, at places where characters have a fixed route, on points of transition between maps, character resurrection places and Kafra teleport places. | Character/game account blocking from 3 days to permanent. |
To transfer any skills through a portal in castles during War of Emperium. For example ‘Urgent Call’, ‘Hiding’, ‘Stasis’, ‘Earth Drive’, and etc. | Character/game account blocking from 30 days to permanent. |